Friday, February 23, 2007

Lesleigh's Bridal Shower

I had the honor of being Lesleigh's bridesmaid. I organised her Bridal Shower and Hen Night from Vietnam and of course I had lots of time to think of ideas for the invites for the shower and Hen Night, decorated the special shirts as well as come up with fun games to play e.g. word games, handbag game, trivia, who am I etc.

Thanks to Julia for letting us have the Bridal Shower at her house and for making the food for was delicious!! Then another THANKS to (Julia again) and Amori for helping out on the day. It was a great success, I thought!

Les, all dressed up

Les, excited about opening all the lovely gifts

Joanne and Les

The Bridal Shower team

Jackie and Denise

Kerri and Adri

Mother of the bride, Engela and Gretha

Les and Amori

Bride and Bridesmaid

She is just such a lovely bride, isn't she?

The future Mrs. Seagram

1 comment:

phillygirl said...

Hey Del :) Quite a few of your pics in this post don't seem to be loading :( Maybe it's just me, but maybe you should check it.